Maria Batista

Gesangsunterricht · registriert vor 4 Jahr(en)
Zürich Stadtteil Zürich Kreis 2


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September 2018 - present Lucerne University Master of Arts in Musik Performance, Lucerne, Switzerland 09.2016 - 06.2018 Lucerne University Master of Arts in Musik Pedagogy, Lucerne, Switzerland 09.2013 - 06.2016 Lucerne University Bachelor of Arts in Music, Lucerne, Switzerland 08.2012 - 06.2013 Music Academy, study preparation, Basel, Switzerland 08.2007 - 06.2011 College- Art center for talented children of North, Khanty - Mansiysk, Jugra, Russia


Hast du bestimmte Erfahrungen gemacht, die du gern mitteilen möchtest?

I was very lucky to be born in a family that always supported me frommy very childhood. When I was a seven-year-old girl, I started to have singing and piano lessons. Vocal competitions and performances at schools let me understand at a very early age, that if you really want to achieve something in your life, you should not only dream your dreams, but you should live them. This implies a lot of courage and confidence, with much work and encouragement to follow your goals. I would like to inspire other people with this attitude to life.

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