Nobuchika Suzuki

Deutsch Lernen Oberstufe · registriert vor 5 Jahr(en)
Luzern Luzern


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I’m looking for a job in Switzerland. Preferably in Central Switzerland. I am a young, ambitious and hardworking person with a positive outlook on life. I am willing to work in various fields (such as logistics, service, sales or others). I have graduated from Seikei University in Tokyo in 2018. My major was law. My mother language is Japanese. I also speak English (lvl B2 in writing and speaking) and I’m studying hard on my German skills. Other skills of mine are that I am well versed in MS Office and I can easily connect with people on a friendly basis. If you are interested in me as a person and worker, please do not hesitate to contact me. I’m looking forward to your message.
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